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(act as representative for)
Beidh ar an gComhairle na comhaltaí tofa agus féadfaidh toscairí eile iad a ionadú.
The Council shall consist of the elected members who may be represented by other delegates.
rinne sé ionadaíocht do Liam ar an gCoiste
he represented Liam on the Committee
Matamaitic » Loighic & Tacartheoiric Ag staid ar bith de phróiseas cruthúnais, is féidir coibhéis tairisceana nó abairte oscailte a chur in ionad na tairisceana nó na habairte oscailte.
Mathematics » Logic & Set Theory At any stage of a proof we may replace a proposition or an open sentence by an equivalent one.
earraí níos saoire á gceannach in áit earraí daora, le harduithe praghsanna nó le laghduithe ioncaim (CT)
cheaper goods replacing more expensive items, in response to goods becoming more expensive or a drop in income (CT)
Cuireann x duine in ionad duine eile.
x substitutes one person for another.
cuireann rud in ionad ruda eile
substitutes a thing