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cios/tras-[4-ciogladóideicil]-2,6-démheitiolmorfóilín fir4▼
gu cios/tras-[4-ciogladóideicil]-2,6-démheitiolmorfóilín
breakaway republic within Moldova, situated to the east of the River Dniester, which has the official status of an autonomous territory
'Níl an Tras-dnístria (oirthuaisceart na Moldóive) faoi smacht rialtas na Moldóive agus tá an réigiún ag iarraidh stádas féinrialaithe a bhaint amach.'
A procedure used in people with severe heart disease who are not candidates for bypass surgery. In this procedure, an incision is made in the chest. The heart is exposed and small holes are drilled through the wall of the heart with a laser.
Gnáthamh a úsáidtear do dhaoine a bhfuil galar croí tromchúiseach orthu ach nach bhfuil feiliúnach do mháinliacht sheach-chonaire. Déantar gearradh sa chliabhrach, déantar an croí a nochtadh agus cuirtear pollta beaga i mballa an chroí le léasar.