Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
Tá deighilt iomlán anseo ó thaobh tuairimí de.
There is a polarisation of opinion here.
méadú ar thuairimí diúltacha i ndiaidh na hócáide
after-the-fact increased negative views
(attitude, position)
ghlac sé chuige cuma phoiblí pholaitiúil ar cheist
ghlac sé chuige seasamh poiblí polaitiúil ar cheist
ghlac sé chuige seasamh polaitiúil ar cheist
he adopted a political posture on an issue
Ní mór duit tús a chur leis an gcaitheamh as do sheasamh
You must begin your throw from a stationary position
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
the phase before the initiation phase of an anti-dumping procedure, during which the complainant's standing is analysed
Airgeadas Prionsabal infheistíochta a deir go mba chóir do ghnólacht tionscadal a ghlacadh nó a dhiúltú trí é a chur i gcomparáid le hurrúis sa rang céanna riosca.
Finance Investment principle that states a firm should accept or reject a project by comparing it with securities in the same risk class.
(espouse cause of)
seas le cinneadh pleanála
uphold a planning decision
(preparation before addressing the ball)
(of wood)
Agus tumadh as seasamh á chur i gcrích ag an tumadóir, ní ceadmhach dó/di preabadh ar an gclár roimh imeacht.
When executing a standing dive, the diver must not bounce on the board before the take-off.
Rinne na tumadóirí trí thumadh san iomlán: tumadh amháin as seasamh agus dhá riúdtumadh.
The divers performed a total of three dives: a standing dive and two running dives.