Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
is é cuspóir an cheachta seo ná...
the object of this lesson is...
d'fhonn an cuspóir a ghnóthú go dtiocfar ar...
in order to achieve the objective to arrive at...
chun críche an Achta …
for the purposes of the Act …
(nos imeachta)
tairiscint le tuairisciú ar a ndearnadh
tairiscint chun tuairisciú ar a ndearnadh
motion to report progress
moladh tairiscint ciorrúcháin
a curtailing motion was put forward
Molaim go gcuirtear an tairiscint faoi bhráid an chruinnithe.
I beg that the motion be put before the meeting.
molaim an tairiscint seo a leanas a dhéanamh
I beg to move the following motion
ritheadh an rún
motion was passed
motion was passed unanimously
ritheadh an rún d’aon ghuth
rún a mholadh
to propose a motion
cuidiú le rún
to second a motion
Torthaí gaolmhara
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