Torthaí beachta
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folaíonn "pionós" aon fhíneáil nó suim phionósach eile agus, má ordaítear fíneáil a íoc, aon chúiteamh, costais nó caiteachais, i dteannta na fíneála sin; FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
"penalty" includes any fine or other penal sum and, where a fine is ordered to be paid, any compensation, costs or expenses, in addition to such fine;
Is é an t-oifigeach ar a bhfuil cúram bainistíochta na Príomh-Oifige de thuras na huaire an t-oifigeach cuí chun taifid a dhéanamh agus chun cuntas a thabhairt ar na fíneálacha nó ar na suimeanna pionósacha a ghearr an Chúirt. FOINSE: I.R. 1980
The officer having the management of the Central Office for the time being shall be the proper officer to make entries and render accounts of all fines or penal sums imposed by the Court.