Torthaí beachta
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Torthaí gaolmhara
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The division of lands held jointly into distinct portions which are held individually
Taillte i gcomhtheideal a roinnt ina gcodanna ar leith faoi úinéireacht ar leith
Subject to the requirements of Rule 9 of Section 66 of the Chancery (Ireland) Act, 1867, wherever, in any action for the administration of the estate of a deceased person, or for the execution of the trusts of any deed or instrument, or for the partition or sale of any hereditaments
Faoi réir cheanglais Riail 9 d'Alt 66 den Chancery (Ireland) Act, 1867, más rud é, in aon chaingean chun eastát duine éagtha a riaradh, nó chun iontaobhais aon ghníomhais nó ionstraime a fhorghníomhú, nó chun aon oidhreachtáin a idir-roinnt nó a dhíol, [FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001]
In all cases where a sale, mortgage, partition or exchange is ordered, the Court, in addition to the powers already existing, shall have power to authorise the same to be carried out:
ngach cás ina n-ordófar talamh a dhíol, a mhorgáistiú, a idir-roinnt nó a mhalartú, beidh de chumhacht ag an gCúirt, i dteannta na gcumhachtaí atá ar marthain cheana féin, a údarú go ndéanfar é sin: FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001