Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
Cóip fhianaithe de dhoiciméad.
An attested copy of a document.
Ar gach macasamhail a dhéanfar, i dteannta na dtáillí is iníoctha faoi mhíreanna 41 agus 42FOINSE: I.R. 1980
For every exemplification, in additional to the fees payable under items 41 and 42
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
Macasamhail fhianaithe a dhéanamh de dhoiciméad.
To make an attested copy of a document.
Ar mhacasamhail a dhéanamh d'aon chóip d'ordúFOINSE: I.R. 1980
On exemplifying any copy of an order
Goods produced in the same country which, although not alike in all respects, have like characteristics and like component materials which enable them to perform the same functions and to be commercially interchangeable.