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Finance Floating rate facility similar to a Euronote facility whereby a group of banks commit to purchase any notes put back to them by investors on any FRN interest rate fixing date.
Airgeadas Saoráid ráta chomhlúthaigh cosúil le saoráid Eoranóta trína dtugann grúpa banc ceangaltas aon nótaí a chuirtear ar ais chucu ó infheisteoirí a cheannach ar aon dáta socraithe ráta úis FRN.
Torthaí gaolmhara
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a rifle, pistol or shotgun that fires projectiles by means of compressed air or other gas, in contrast to a firearm which fires projectiles by means of a burning propellant.
Gunna ar bith, raidhfil, piostal nó gránghunna, a scaoileann teilgeáin le cuidiú aeir chomhbhrúite nó gáis chomhbhruite eile, malairt airm thine a scaoileann teilgeáin le cuidiú tiomántáin dó.
either of the following distinct, though closely related, violations of the EU merger regulation (EUMR [IATE:146920 ]): "notification" [IATE:1899642 ]: failing to file a merger with the European Commission meeting the EUMR thresholds "concentration" [IATE:1899646 ]: implementing a notified merger before obtaining clearance