Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
(hit the ball back)
Imríonn an chaoi a mbuaileann tú an tseirbheáil ar ais tionchar ar an dreas.
The way you return the serve affects the rally.
(react to)
As ainmniúcháin agus aistarraingtí a ghlacadh, eascairí a fhreagairt agus nithe gaolmhara: FOINSE: I.R. 1981
For receiving nominations, withdrawals, making returns to writs and related matters:
aithris ar an ábhar a thagann díreach i ndiaidh céadlua an ábhair, an aithris i nglór eile agus cúigeach níos airde de ghnáth (CT)
a subject imitation following immediately on the first statement of the subject, in a different voice and generally a fifth higher (CT)
freagra ina ghléasaistrítear an t-ábhar go gléas eile, an ceannasach de ghnáth
an answer which is a transposition of the subject to another key, the dominant, usually
freagra sa ghléas céanna leis an ábhar go minic, agus athrú ar idirchéimeanna an ábhair: dó ag malartú le sól, mar shampla (CT)
an answer which often remains in the same key as the subject and in which the intervals of the subject may change somewhat: doh and sol may switch (CT)
Tá tuismitheoirí/cúramóirí freagrach as faire a dhéanamh ar a bpáistí féin.
Parents/Carers are responsible for the supervision of their own children
Is iondúil go ndéantar an Salm le Freagra a chanadh nó a aithris.
The Responsorial Psalm is usually sung or recited.