Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
(process, state of being developed or expanded)
an méid a chuir siad leis an bhforbairt
a gcion san fhorbairt
their contributions to the development
oibriúchán foriomlán agus forbraíocht an chomhaontaithe a mheas
to assess the overall functioning and the development of the Agreement
(event or occurence, or state of being developed)
An bhfuil aon chor sa scéal?
Are there any developments on this?
i bhfianaise forbairtí sa scoil seo againne
in light of developments at our school
(of a theme)
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
GAan Chomhairle bain4 Náisiúnta um Fhorbairt Ghairmiúil an Altranais agus an Chnáimhseachais▼ stairiúil/historical
ENNational Council s for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery▼ stairiúil/historical
Airgeadas Gníomhaireacht speisialta de chuid na Náisiún Aontaithe a bunaíodh i 1960. Cleamhnaithe leis an IBRD agus an Banc Domhanda. Soláthraíonn sé caipiteal do thionscadail forbartha sna balltíortha ar théarmaí níos fearr ná mar a thairgeann margaí príobháideacha caipitil ná an Banc Domhanda.
Finance UN specialized agency established in 1960. Affiliate of IBRD and the World Bank. Provides capital for development projects in member countries on more favourable terms than those offered by private capital markets or the World Bank.
(Young Turks)
Airgeadas Eagraíocht idirnáisiúnta a gcuimsíonn a ballraíocht don chuid is mó na tíortha is forbartha ó thaobh eacnamaíochta ar domhan. Soláthraíonn an OECD fóram rialta d'airí airgeadais agus trádála na rialtas éagsúil chun ceisteanna eacnamaíochta a fhearann ar a leasanna frithpháirteacha a phlé, go háirithe maidir le fás eacnamaíoch agus trádáil idirnáisiúnta a chur chun cinn, agus comhordaíonn sé soláthar Cúnaimh Eacnamúil do thíortha tearcfhorbartha. Is príomhfhoinse sonraí eacnamúla idirnáisiúnta é an OECD agus tiomsaíonn agus foilsíonn sé staitisticí caighdeánaithe idirthíre go rialta.
Finance An international organization whose membership comprises mainly the economically advanced countries of the world. The OECD provides a regular forum for discussions among government finance and trade ministers on economic matters affecting their mutual interests, particularly the promotion of economic growth and international trade, and it coordinates the provision of Economic Aid to the less developed countries. The OECD is a main source of international economic data and regularly compiles and publishes standardized inter-country statistics.