Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
Compass/angles: how many degrees does a hand of a clock go through?
Compás/uillinneacha: cá mhéad céim trína ngabhann snáthaid cloig?
Temperature: it was 30 degrees in the shade yesterday.
Teocht: bhí sé 30 céim faoin scáth inné.
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
“specified degree of disablement” means... a degree of disablement which, if assessed in accordance with those provisions, would be not less than 30 per cent. and, as regards any other disablement, a degree of disablement of equivalent extent
ciallaíonn "grád sonraithe míchumais" ... grád míchumais arna mheasúnú de réir na bhforálacha seo nach lú ná 30 faoin gcéad, agus maidir le míchumas ar bith eile grád míchumais den mhéid céanna. [Ionstraimí Reachtúla: 1981]
An integer value measuring the extent to which an experimental design imposes constraints upon the pattern of the mean values of data from various meaningful subsets of data.