Torthaí beachta
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Computers, Computer Science Definition for default in Computing: Pertaining to an attribute, condition, value, or option that is assumed when none is explicitly specified.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Sainmhíniú ar réamhshocrú sa Ríomhaireacht: Ag baint le tréith, coinníoll, luach, nó rogha a nglactar leis a bheith ann nuair nach sonraítear ceann ar leith.
set as default
socraigh mar réamhshocrú
And default having been made in payment
Agus ó rinneadh mainneachtain san íoc FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
(b) No notice of motion for Judgment in default of defence shall be served unless the Applicant has at least fourteen days prior to the service of such notice written to the Respondent giving him notice of his/her intention to serve a notice of motion for Judgment ...
(b) Ní dhéanfar aon fhógra um fhoriarratas ar Bhreithiúnas d’éagmais cosanta a sheirbheáil mura rud é go mbeidh an tIarratasóir, ceithre lá dhéag ar a laghad roimh sheirbheáil an fhógra sin, tar éis scríobh chuig an bhFreagróir ag tabhairt fógra dó é a bheith ar intinn aige/aici fógra um fhoriarratas ar Bhreithiúnas ... FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
Torthaí gaolmhara
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A specific kind of counterparty agreement which allows the transfer of third party credit risk from one party to the other. One party in the swap is a lender and faces credit risk from a third party, and the counterparty in the credit default swap agrees to insure this risk in exchange of regular periodic payments (essentially an insurance premium). If the third party defaults, the party providing insurance will have to purchase from the insured party the defaulted asset. In turn, the insurer pays the insured the remaining interest on the debt, as well as the principal.
Finance Provision in a loan agreement that allows the lender to declare the loan immediately payable and to terminate any further extension of credit if the borrower defaults on any other debt.
Airgeadas Foráil i gcomhaontú iasachta a cheadaíonn don iasachtóir a dhearbhú go bhfuil an iasacht iníoctha láithreach agus críoch a chur le haon síneadh creidmheasa eile má loiceann an t-iasachtaí ar aon fhiachas eile.
Computers, Computer Science The initial value assigned to a data object by the compiler if no initial value is specified by the programmer.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht An luach tosaigh a shannann an tiomsaitheoir le mír sonraí mura sainíonn an ríomhchláraitheoir luach tosaigh ar bith.
Computers, Computer Science A value assumed when no value has been specified. Synonymous with assumed value.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Luach a nglactar leis a bheith ann nuair nach sonraítear luach ar bith.
loss suffered by a firm as a result of a lower valuation of an asset, or if a loan defaults
caillteanas ar ghnólacht de dheasca luach níos ísle ar shóchmhainn, nó má chliseann iasacht
4. (a) Where an application is brought under this Order for Judgment in default of Appearance or Defence against a party who has been served with a Civil Bill or originating document outside the State under the provisions of Order 13, such application shall be supported by an affidavit stating that in the deponent's belief:
4. (a) I gcás ina ndéanfar iarratas faoin Ordú seo ar Bhreithiúnas d'éagmais Láithris nó Cosanta i gcoinne páirtí a mbeidh Bille Sibhialta nó doiciméad tionscnaimh seirbheáilte air lasmuigh den Stát faoi fhorálacha Ordú 13, beidh mionnscríbhinn i dtacaíocht leis an iarratas sin ina luafar go gcreideann an teisteoir: [IR Uimh. 510 de 2001]
The risk that a credit defaults suddenly before the market has had time to factor its increased default risk into current spreads.
A basket default swap is similar to a single entity default swap except that the underlying is a basket of entities rather than one single entity. There are several types of basket default swaps. The popular ones are first-to-default, n-th-to-default, n-out-of-m-to-default and all-to-default swaps. With a single entity, a credit event is usually a default of the entity. With a first-to-default swap, a credit event occurs the first time any of the entities defaults.