Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
an creat ina ndéantar taifead a chruthú, a úsáid agus a chothabháil
the framework in which a record is created, used, and maintained
Torthaí gaolmhara
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an nós imeachta gnó ar lena linn a chruthaítear taifead
the business procedure in the course of which a record is created
struchtúr, feidhmeanna agus nósanna imeachta na timpeallachta eagrúcháin inar cruthaíodh na taifid
the structure, functions and procedures of the organisational environment in which records were created
saintréithe na gcrua-earraí, na mbogearraí agus na gcomhchodanna eile de chuid córas leictreonach ríomhaireachta ina gcruthaítear taifid
the characteristics of the hardware, software and other components of an electronic computing system in which records are created
ó tharla go bhfuil an taithí sin ann
in the light of that experience
agus an míniú sin tugtha tarraingím siar m’agóid
in the light of that explanation I withdraw my objection
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Léaráid is féidir a tharraingt ag tús tionscnaimh, nó ag tráth an staidéir féidearthachta. Sainíonn sé teorainn an chórais agus na príomh-ionchuir agus -aschuir a thrasnaíonn an teorainn sin. D'fhéadfadh an Léaráid den Chomhthéacs a bheith ar an gcéad táirge i bhforbairt Léaráidí den Sreabhadh Sonraí.
Computers, Computer Science A diagram that may be produced at the initiation of a project, or at feasibility. It defines the boundary of the system and the major inputs and outputs that cross the system boundary. A Context Diagram may be the first product in the development of Data Flow Diagrams.