Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
(liosta nó taifead oifigiúil)
(official list or record)
Ba mhaith liom a chur in iúl duit go bhfuil d’ainm bainte den Chlár/curtha leis an gClár mar gheall ar an gcúis a leanas
I wish to inform you that your name has been deleted from/added to the Register for the following reason
Ba mhaith liom a chur in iúl duit go bhfuil do sheoladh poist athraithe ar Chlár na dToghthóirí ó: xxx go dtí an seoladh atá ag barr an chomhfhreagrais seo.
I would like to inform you that your postal address has been changed on the Register of Electors from: xxx to the address shown at the top of this correspondence.
Más ea, cuirfear d’ainm agus do sheoladh le Clár Atheagraithe na dToghthóirí 2010/2011 chomh maith.
If so, your name and address will also be included in the Edited Register of Electors, 2010/2011
(of measures, activities, etc.)
Chun críocha 1B001, le haiseanna ‘seirbheashuite príomhúla’, rialaítear, faoi threoir ríomhchláir, suíomh an éifeachtóra dheiridh (i.e an ceann) sa spás i ndáil leis an saotharphíosa ag an treoshuíomh ceart agus sa treo ceart chun an próiseas inmhianaithe a bhaint amach.
For the purpose of 1B001, ‘primary servo positioning’ axes control, under computer program direction, the position of the end effector (i.e. head) in space relative to the work piece at the correct orientation and direction to achieve the desired process.
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
Tá an Léas sin cláraithe mar ualach ar Fhóilió sa Chlár de Thalamh Ruílse i gContae
The said Lease is registered as a burden on Folio of the Register of Freehold land in the County of