Torthaí beachta
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Computers, Computer Science A circuit that emits a series of pulses with a precise pulse width and precise interval between consecutive pulses.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Ciorcad a astaíonn seicheamh bíog de bhíogleithead beacht agus eatramh beacht idir bhíoga leantacha.
Computers, Computer Science The interval between corresponding edges of two consecutive pulses.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht An t-eatramh idir ciumhaiseanna comhfhreagracha dhá bhíog leantacha.
Phenomenon where the time of a clock becomes gradually more and more inaccurate.
Mar a éiríonn clog míchruinn le himeacht ama.
The creation of a European social, educational, cultural and entrepreneurial area based on the mobility of individuals and digital data should facilitate communication between people in order to build a real "Europe for Citizens".
Trí limistéar sóisialta, oideachais, cultúrtha agus fiontraíochta Eorpach bunaithe ar shoghluaisteacht daoine aonair agus sonraí digiteacha a chruthú, ba cheart go n-éascófaí an chumarsáid idir daoine ionas go ndéanfaí forbairt iarbhír ar "Eoraip do Shaoránaigh".
(House of Commons)