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(summary of longer text)
(cuntas achomair ar théacs)
the classification of these judgements, the drawing up and publication of translations and abstracts
rangú na mbreithiúnas sin, aistriúcháin agus achoimrí a dhréachtú agus a fhoilsiú
(abstract from)
It is difficult to talk about these matters without abstracting.
Is deacair labhairt ar na hábhair seo gan teibiú a dhéanamh.
(data, etc)
to abstract the relevant information from the records
an t-eolas cuí a bhaint as na taifid
He will not be able to deduct PRSI anymore.
Ní bheidh sé in ann ÁSPC a asbhaint a thuilleadh.
Computers, Computer Science A class with one or more abstract methods. An abstract class cannot be used directly to create objects. However an abstract class can be a useful place to declare a set of methods common to a number of subclasses.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Aicme le modh teibí amháin ar a laghad. Ní féidir aicme theibí a úsáid le hoibiachtaí a chruthú. Is féidir aicme theibí a úsáid le tacar de mhodhanna a fhógairt, modhanna atá coiteann ag roinnt fo-aicmí.
Computers, Computer Science A method that has no implementation — that is, no function-defining code. Abstract methods appear only in abstract classes and in interfaces. When a class is declared which inherits from an abstract class, implementations of all the abstract methods must be provided. An abstract method is similar to a prototype for an actual method which is provided elsewhere.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Modh gan chur i bhfeidhm .i. níl aon chód sainithe feidhmeanna aige. Is in aicmí teibí agus i gcomhéadain (interfaces) amháin a fhógraítear modhanna teibí. Nuair a fhógraítear aicme a fhaigheann airíonna le hoidhreacht ó aicme theibí, is gá an cur i bhfeidhm a sholáthar do gach aon mhodh teibí san aicme theibí. Múnla nó fréamhshamhail atá i gceist do mhodh iarbhír atá ar fáil in aicme eile.
(téacs nó óráid)