Torthaí beachta
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To permanently surrender a right.
Ceart a thabhairt suas go buan.
(52) abandoning materials or property of any kind or failing to remove such property or materials at the request of the Minister or an authorised officer;
(52) ábhair nó maoin d'aon chineál a thréigean nó a mhainniú maoin nó ábhair den sórt sin a aistriú ar an Aire nó oifigeach údaraithe á iarraidh sin; FOINSE: I.R. Tacar Samplach 1978
(and being of the opinion that the applicant has *abandoned/*deserted the infant(s))
(agus ós é a tuairim gur thréig an t-iarratasóir an naíon/na naín) FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997