Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
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# buidéal dlúis choibhneasta · relative-density bottle · relative density bottle#
coefficient of performance specific for every binj with outdoor temperature Tj in a season or in the year, derived from the part load, declared capacity or declared cooling demand and declared coefficient of performance (COPd(Tj)) for specified bins (j) and calculated for other bins through interpolation/extrapolation, when necessary corrected by the degradation coefficient
cooling demand for every bin in the year, calculated as the rated cooling capacity multiplied by the part load ratio, expressed in kW to two decimal places
GAráta fir4 torthúlachta sainaoise agus lántréimhse▼
ai rátaí torthúlachta sainaoise agus lántréimhse
mass of water vapour per unit mass of air, including the water vapour (usually expressed as grams of water vapour per kilogram of air)
Iallach a chuireann an chúirt ar dhuine rud éigin ar leith a dhéanamh, go hiondúil rúd atá léirithe go sonrach cheana féin i gconradh
An order from the court instructing someone to do something specific, usually an action that has been previously agreed in a contract
Matamaitic » Loighic & Tacartheoiric Dearbhaíonn sainteoirim fíric faoi aonán matamaiticiúil ar leith, ar nós: Is uimhir phríomha é 7. Is neasluach do π é 3.1416.
Mathematics » Logic & Set Theory A specific theorem states a fact about a particular mathematical object, such as: 7 is a prime number. 3.1416 is an approximate value for π.