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# Teanga Shainithe Sonraí · DDL · Data Definition Language · DDL#
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht B'fhearr treoracha cóipeála sonraí a thabhairt ar threoracha aistrithe sonraí ach tá an téarma aistriú sonraí bunaithe cheana. Nuair a deirimid go bhfuil an t-ábhar atá i suíomh 2000 sa chuimhne aistrithe go tabhall éigin, is éard a bhíonn i gceist againn beagnach i gcónaí ná go bhfuil cóip chomhionann cruthaithe ansin agus go bhfuil an bunábhar fós gan chorraí i suíomh 2000.
Computers, Computer Science Data movement instructions would better be called data duplication instructions, but the term data movement is already established. When we say that the contents of memory location 2000 have been moved to some register, we almost always mean that an identical copy has been created there and that the original is still undisturbed in location 2000.
Tacair sonraí a ullmhú chun úsáid sonraí staidrimh chun críocha oideachais agus taighde a éascú.
The preparation of data sets to facilitate the use of statistical data for educational and research purposes.