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ionad a mheallann líon fíormhór turasóirí agus a d’fhéadfadh an-bhrú a chur ar an timpeallacht agus ar an bpobal áitiúil
location attracting a large number of tourists who, due to the numbers, place pressure on the environment and people
environmentally conditioned work space that is partially equipped with information systems and telecommunications equipment to support relocated operations in the event of a significant disruption
limistéar ina bhfuil dramhaíl thocsaineach nuair nár sainaithníodh an truaillitheoir, nó nuair nach ndéanann an truaillitheoir rud ar bith maidir lena ghlanadh suas
an area containing toxic waste where the polluter has not been identified, or where the polluter does nothing to clean up the waste
# spás oibre doiciméid · document workspace