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electrolyser which uses a solid polymer membrane (a thin plastic film) as the electrolyte - a membrane which is permeable to protons when saturated with water, but does not conduct electrons
electrolyser that works with an alkaline environment at the membrane interface provided by the immobilized positively charged functional groups on the polymer backbone or on pendant polymeric side chains (anion exchange membrane)
suirbhé ráithiúil de chuid IMS ar 1000 freagróir seacht mbliana d'aois nó níos sine a fhiafraíonn cé chomh minic a théann siad chuig an gcineama agus an uair dheireanach a bhí siad ann, agus a thugann próifíl ar an lucht féachana i gcás suas le 90-100 scannán sa bhliain (CT)
quarterly survey conducted by IMS, of 1000 respondents aged 7+, containing questions about frequency and recency of cinema visits, and containing audience profile information for 90-100 film releases a year (CT)
déantar an fhuil a bhaint as féith mhór sa chorp agus cuirtear trí mheicníocht phumpála í, agus ansin trí ghléas a chuireann ocsaigin leis an bhfuil agus a bhaineann dé-ocsaíd charbóin di. Cuirtear an fhuil ar ais sa chorp ansin agus déantar í a chuisliú sa chaoi is go gcoinnítear an duine beo
the blood is withdrawn from a large vein in the body and passes through a pumping mechanism, and then through a device that puts oxygen into the blood and removes carbon dioxide from the blood. The blood is then returned to the body and circulated in such a way as to sustain life