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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAascnamh fir1
gu ascnaimh
taifid a bhogadh ó chóras amháin go córas eile agus, ag an am céanna, a mbarántúlacht, a n-iomláine, a n-iontaofacht agus a n-inúsáidteacht a choimeád ar bun. Is é atá i gceist le haistriú ná sraith tascanna eagraithe atá ceaptha chun ábhar digiteach a aistriú ó thráth go chéile ó chumraíocht chrua-earraí amháin go ceann eile, nó ó ghlúin áirithe teicneolaíochta go ceann eile
the act of moving records from one system to another, while maintaining their authenticity, integrity, reliability and usability. Migration involves a set of organised tasks designed to periodically transfer digital material from one hardware or software configuration to another, or from one generation of technology to another
comhad leictreonach a thiontú go cineál comhaid de chaighdeán eile chun an dífheidhmeacht a sheachaint
the practice of converting an electronic file to a different standard file type to circumvent obsolescence
an próiseas trína thiontaítear nó trína uasghrádaítear nithe nó córais dhigiteacha chuig glúin teicneolaíochta ríomhaireachta níos nuaí crua-earraí agus/nó bogearraí
the process of converting or upgrading digital objects or systems to a newer generation of hardware and/or software computer technology
an próiseas chun ábhar a chóipeáil ó ghlúin nó ó chumraíocht stórála sonraí digiteacha amháin go dtí ceann nuashonraithe
the process of copying content from one generation or configuration of digital data storage onto an updated generation or configuration
third country national child (person below 18 years old) who is forcibly displaced or migrate to and within the EU territory, be it with its(extended) family, with a non-family member (separated child) or alone, whether or not seeking asylum
'Ba cheart páistí imirceacha nuathagtha a mheasúnú i dteanga(cha) na tíre ina bhfuil cónaí orthu agus tacaíocht níos indibhidiúlaithe a thabhairt dóibh.'
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