Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
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Gnó » Fiontraíocht & Forbairt Na treoirlínte ginearálta a úsáideann miondíoltóir chun cinntí praghsála a dhéanamh. Léiríonn an polasaí seo dearcadh an mhiondíoltóra maidir le nithe ar nós siopaí ilrannacha atá in iomaíocht leis, costais, caiteachas ar thionscnaimh, etc.
Business » Enterprise & Development The broad guidelines used by a retailer in making pricing decisions. This policy reflects the retailer's position regarding factors such as competing stores, costs, promotional expenditures, etc.
proposed voluntary framework, based on the association with the EU sustainability taxonomy, of core components for EU Green Bonds to enhance the effectiveness, transparency, accountability, comparability and credibility of the green bond market, and to increase the flow of finance to green and sustainable projects
A rá faoi dhuine go ndearna sé/sí coir
To charge someone with committing a crime
2) Cuirfidh toghairm a eiseoidh oifig den Chúirt Dúiche agus lena mbaineann riail 2 (1) den Ordú seo in iúl don duine sin freisin go gcúiseofar é nó í sa chion sin ag suí den Chúirt Dúiche a bheidh le sonrú sa toghairm. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997
(2) A summons issued by an office of the District Court and to which rule 2 (1) of this Order relates shall also notify such person that he or she will be accused of that offence at a sitting of the District Court to be specified in the summons
# cúisigh · déan cúiseamh · charge#
cuireann i leith
accuse of
Chuir sé i mo leith.
He levelled an accusation against me.
Chuir sé gadaíocht i mo leith.
He levelled an accusation of theft against me.
Chuir sé bréag i mo leith.
He levelled an accusation of lying against me.
(ascribe to)
Chuir sé gadaíocht i mo leith.
He levelled an accusation of theft against me.
Chuir sé bréag i mo leith.
He levelled an accusation of lying against me.
Conradh a thugtar d'oibrí nach gnáthfhostaí de chuid an chonraitheora é.
A contract which is offered to a worker who is not a regular employee of the contractor.
(e) Daoine a bhí ag obair de réir fochonartha saothair amháin. [foinse: TSL]
( e ) Persons working on a labour-only subcontract basis.
Ar aon fhógra foriarratais chun na Cúirte Uachtaraí a chomhdú (seachas fógra foriarratais achomhairc) ...FOINSE: I.R. 1981
On filing any notice of motion to the Supreme Court (other than a notice of motion of appeal)
Ar fhógra foriarratais i leith achomhairc faoi fhe-alt (2) d'alt 51 den Acht Aturnaethe, 1954, a thaisceadhFOINSE: I.R. 1981
On lodging a notice of motion of appeal under subsection (2) of section 51 of the Solicitors Act, 1954
Fógra foirmiúil do pháirtithe go bhfuil sé ar intinn faoiseamh á lorg
A formal notice to parties of an intent to seek relief
Ar fhógra foriarratais i leith iarratais faoi fho-alt (3) d'alt 48 den Acht Aturnaethe, 1954, a thaisceadh
On lodging a notice of motion of application under subsection (3) of section 48 of the Solicitors Act, 1954
scagthacht coincréite i leith uisce
porosity of concrete to water
porousness of concrete to water
i leith an deirg
towards red
bearta i gcoinne cleachtas tráchtála neamhcheadaithe is inchurtha i leith tríú páirtithe
measures against illicit commercial practices attributable to third parties
GAíocaíocht bain3 i leith easnaimh san fheirmeoireacht▼
ai íocaíochtaí i leith easnaimh san fheirmeoireacht