Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
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Ceann de na haonaid eagrúcháin ar longa trádála agus cabhlaigh.
One of the organisational units on merchant and naval ships.
Brainse a dhéileálann le saincheisteanna dlí.
A branch which deals with legal issues.
Oibrithe Cléireachais agus Teachtairí, atá ar fostú go lánaimsire nó go páirtaimsire ag Aturnaetha i ndáil lena n-obair ghairmiúil agus ag comhlachtaí corpraithe ina ranna dlí faoi threoir a ngníomhairí dlí, ...FOINSE: I.R. 1980
Clerical Workers and Messengers, whether whole time or part-time employed by Solicitors in connection with their professional work and by bodies corporate in their law departments under the direction of their law agents...