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Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht I ndearadh nó i ríomhchlárú bunaithe ar oibiachtaí, grúpa oibiachtaí agus modhanna a bhfuil sainmhíniú coiteann orthu, agus mar sin a bhfuil airíonna coiteanna, oibríochtaí coiteanna agus iompraíocht choiteann acu. Tugtar áisc den aicme ar bhaill den ghrúpa.
Computers, Computer Science In object-oriented design or programming, a group of objects and methods that share a common definition and that therefore share common properties, operations or methods and behaviour. Members of the group are called instances of the class.
aicmí sócmhainní airgeadais
classes of financial assets
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Liosta ainmnithe de thréithe stórais. Sainíonn an liosta tréithe leibhéal seirbhíse stórais a sholáthraítear do shonraí a chomhcheanglaítear leis an aicme stórais. Ní thuigtear ná ní chomhcheanglaítear go díreach aon stóras fisiciúil le hainm aicme stórais ar leith.
Computers, Computer Science A named list of storage attributes. The list of attributes identifies a storage service level provided for data associated with the storage class. No physical storage is directly implied or associated with a given storage class name.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Aicme le modh teibí amháin ar a laghad. Ní féidir aicme theibí a úsáid le hoibiachtaí a chruthú. Is féidir aicme theibí a úsáid le tacar de mhodhanna a fhógairt, modhanna atá coiteann ag roinnt fo-aicmí.
Computers, Computer Science A class with one or more abstract methods. An abstract class cannot be used directly to create objects. However an abstract class can be a useful place to declare a set of methods common to a number of subclasses.
situation in which a debt restructuring plan which is not supported by the required majority in each affected class is nonetheless confirmed by a judicial or administrative authority
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Rangaítear na hathróga a bhaineann le haicme mar athróga áscacha nó mar athróga aicmeacha. Baineann athróg aicmeach leis an aicme féin .i. bíonn cóip amháin di ann. Baineann athróg áscach le hásc den aicme .i. bíonn a chóip féin den athróg ag gach ásc.
Computers, Computer Science The variables associated with a class are classified as being instance variables or class variables. A class variable belongs to the class itself i.e. there exists one copy of a class variable. On the other hand each instance of the class has its own copy of the instance variables.
Céim céadonóracha
First-class honours degree
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Aicme a ghabhann ó aicme eile. Is féidir líon ar bith fo-aicmí a bheith ag aicme cé nach féidir ach foraicme amháin a bheith aici.
Computers, Computer Science A class that inherits from another class. A class may have any number of subclasses though it may have only one superclass.
fógairt bain3 aicme stórais▼ dímholta/superseded
gu fógartha aicme stórais, ai fógairtí aicme stórais