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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roinn chaintePart of speech
Roghanna Options
Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
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assistant at a Toastmasters’ meeting whose role is to note words and sounds used as pause fillers by anyone who speaks during the meeting, interjections such as "and," "well," "but," "so," "you know", and words or phrases repeated by a speaker
advanced vehicle safety system that helps prevent collisions by sending the driver an acoustic or visual signal to warn of the presence of standing or slow-moving obstacles in the car's path, and which also acts on the car's brakes when necessary
GAcúnamh fir1
gu cúnaimh
cuidiú fir
gu cuidithe
cuidiú tugtha ag daoine diomaite de chuidiú rialtais áitiúil
assistance given by persons other than local authority
Beifear buíoch díot as do chuidiú sa chúram seo
Your assistance in this matter is appreciated.
Beifear buíoch díot as do chuidiú sa chúram seo.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter .
please ring bell for assistance
buail an cloigín má tá cuidiú de dhíth
Brúigh an dordánaí má tá cuidiú de dhíth
Press Buzzer for Assistance
Brúigh an t-idirchum má tá cuidiú de dhíth
Press Intercom for Assistance
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