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Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Bailiúchán de thaifid leanúnacha is féidir a léamh ó ghléas ionchurtha nó a scríobh chuig gléas aschurtha le hordú singil ríomhaire.
Computers, Computer Science Collection of continuous records which can be read from an input device or written to an output device with a single computer command.
block into which no train is allowed to enter while it is occupied by another train
bloc árasán trí stór
three storey block of flats
Thug mé aghaidh ar an bhfoirgneamh is airde sa bhaile ar fad, bloc árasán trí stór déag.
dhá bhloc a shocraítear in uachtar láir agus agus in íochtar láir chabhail na huirlise, mar thacaíocht don mhuineál agus don eireaballán faoi seach (CT)
two blocks inserted at the top centre and bottom centre of the body, as supports for neck and tailpiece respectively (CT)
# blocbhonn ligníte · lignite block base