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clúdach réamhíoctha agus ár seoladh air; clúdach réamhíoctha agus mo sheoladh air; clúdach réamhíoctha agus do sheoladh air
prepaid self-addressed envelope
fosheánra d'fhíschluichí rólghlactha bunaithe ar Rogue, físchluiche a forbraíodh ar dtús i 1980
a subgenre of role-playing video games, based on Rogue, a video game first developed around 1980
# cnaipe luiche ar dheis · right mouse button#
# cnaipe luiche ar chlé · left mouse button#
medicines which do not require a prescription and may be sold in a wide range of outlets
(sa loingseoireacht)
Airgeadas Comhaontú idir dhá pháirtí ar ráta úis atá le híoc ag am sonraithe sa todhchaí. Tógann na páirtithe riosca, in idirbhearta dá leithéid, maidir leis an difríocht idir na rátaí úis a bhfuil siad ag dréim leo sa tréimhse agus mar a tharlaíonn iad a bheith.
Finance An agreement between two parties on an interest rate to be paid at a specified time in the future. In such transactions the parties take a risk on the difference between what they expect the interest rates will be in the period and what they actually are.
Airgeadas Comhaontú idir iasachtaí agus iasachtóir is ea comhaontú athcheannaigh (Repo) chun urrús rialtas Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá a dhíol agus a athcheannach. Tionscnaíonn iasachtaí, ar déileálaí in urrúis rialtais é de ghnáth, an Repo trí chonradh a dhéanamh urrúis a dhíol le hiasachtóir ar phraghas áirithe agus conradh comhuaineach a dhéanamh an t-urrús a athcheannach ag dáta sa todhchaí ar phraghas sonraithe. Is é an difríocht idir an dá phraghas an toradh don iasachtóir. Déanann an páirtí atá ag gabháil don Repo droim ar ais conradh urrús a cheannach ar phraghas áirithe agus é a aisdíol ar phraghas agus ag am réamhchinntithe. Tá ról tábhachtach ag Repos agus ag Repos droim ar ais i bpraghsáil urrús díorthaithe mar ceadaíonn siad suíomhanna gearra a ghlacadh i mbannaí.
Finance A repurchase agreement (Repo) is an agreement between a borrower and a lender to sell and repurchase a U.S. government security. A borrower, usually a government securities dealer, will institute the Repo by contracting to sell securities to a lender at a particular price and simultaneously contracting to buy back the government security at a future date at a specified price. The difference between the two prices represents the return to the lender. The party doing the reverse Repo contracts to buy a security at a particular price and to sell it back at a predetermined price and time. Repos and reverse Repos play an important role in the pricing of derivative securities for they allow short positions to be taken in bonds.
...faoin gComhaontú um Iompar ar Bhóithre dar dáta an 26 Feabhra, 1981, idir Éire agus Ríocht na Danmhairge
...under the Road Transport Agreement of 26th February, 1981 between Ireland and the Kingdom of Denmark shall be deemed to be restricted road freight licences
GAcomhéadan fir1 úsáideora atá bunaithe ar oibiachtaí▼
gu comhéadain úsáideora atá bunaithe ar oibiachtaí