Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
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Could you give me a reference number?
An bhféadfá uimhir thagartha a thabhairt dom?
Have you a reference number?
An bhfuil uimhir thagartha agat?
on the basis of the amounts of raw materials actually used and on the basis of confirmed prices
ar bhonn mhéideanna na n-amhábhar arna n-úsáid iarbhír agus ar bhonn praghsanna tagartha arna ndaingniú
Finance Market interest rate that is periodically monitored in connection with a rollover credit of a floating rate note in order to determine the subsequent interest payment by the borrower.
Airgeadas Ráta úis margaidh a ndéantar monatóireacht air go tréimhsiúil maidir le creidmheas tar-rollta nóta ráta comhlúthaigh d'fhonn an íocaíocht úis ón iasachtaí ina dhiaidh sin a dheimhniú.