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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
Roinn chaintePart of speech
Roghanna Options
Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
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GAtíolaic br
abr tíolacadh, aidbhr tíolactha
seachaid br
abr seachadadh, aidbhr seachadta
tíolacann x Bille
x presents a Bill
any of the EU Member States most affected by the financial and economic crisis that have received financial assistance under the European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism (EFSM) (for euro-area countries) or the Balance of Payments (BoP) mechanism (for non-euro-area countries)
ENadopt v
(take in charge)
Thóg an lárionad féin cúrsaí traenála i gcúram chun iad a fhorbairt.
The centre adopted training courses for further development.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Doiciméad SSADM le taifead a dhéanamh ar na sonraí ar fad faoi shreafaí sonraí ar an Léaráid den Sreabhadh Sonraí. Comhlíontar é i gcéimeanna 130, 150 agus 310.
Computers, Computer Science An SSADM document to record all data about data flows on the Data flow diagram. It is completed in Steps 130, 150, and 310.
Country Signing Certificate Authority [ IATE:3503337 ] operated by the European Commission for the issuance of the European Union Laissez-Passer [ IATE:3566212 ] according to Council Regulation (EU) No 1417/2013 of 17 December 2013 laying down the form of the laissez-passer issued by the European Union
Suim airgid, a fheidhmíonn mar urrús nó mar bhanna, a chuireann an gearánaí i dtaisce na cúirte, tar éis ordú a fháil uaithi
A sum of money deposited by the plaintiff with the court on its direction, following a request from the defendant, by way of security or bond
Ní bheidh aon chosantóir i dteideal ordú a fháil le haghaidh urrúis i leith costas toisc cónaí a bheith ar aon ghearánaí lasmuigh de dhlínse na Cúirte, mura dtabharfar mionnscríbhinn shásúil go bhfuil cosaint de bhua tuillteanais ag an gcosantóir sin. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
No defendant shall be entitled to an order for security for costs by reason of any plaintiff being resident out of the jurisdiction of the Court, unless upon a satisfactory affidavit that such defendant has a defence upon the merits
Ar thuarascáil ó Mháistir Fómhais i dtaobh urrúis i leith costas i gcúis maidir le pósadh FOINSE: I.R. 1980
On a report of a Taxing Master as to security for costs in a matrimonial case
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