▼ Eolaíocht Shóisialta
▼ Social Science
▼ Antraipeolaíocht
▼ Anthropology
Antraipeolaíocht Chultúrtha
Cultural Anthropology
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The Batak tribe of Sumatra inscribed incantations and magic cures used by witch doctors on thin strips of tree bark folded accordion style and enclosed in wooden covers. This very traditional volume, with a carved lizard design on the wooden cover and text in black and red ink, contains pages decorated with insects and other designs. The lizard, a common theme among the Batak, symbolizes prosperity, the fertility of the earth, and the underworld.
earra lámhdhéanta bunaithe ar lúbán sailí a ndéantar líon scaoilte a fhí air, agus a maisítear ansin le míreanna pearsanta agus naofa ar nós cleití agus coirníní
handmade object based on a willow hoop, on which is woven a loose net or web, and then decorated with personal and sacred items such as feathers and beads
(tuairimí etc.)
(opinions etc.)
measann x tuairimí na coitiantachta
measann x tuairimí an phobail
x gauges the strength of opinion
A crop-share lease agreement between a landowner and tenant defines how they will share the crop as compensation for their respective contributions in land, labor and capital... A system of agriculture or agricultural production in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crop produced on the land (e.g., 50 percent of the crop).