▼ Spóirt
▼ Sports
▼ Cluichí Ilchineálacha
▼ Various Games
► Téarmaí ginearálta
► General terms
Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
Number of matches found
(an imirt)
(tactics and actions)
cosaint 3-2-1
3-2-1 defence
cosaint 3-3
3-3 defence
cosaint 4-2
4-2 defence
cosaint 5-1
5-1 defence
cosaint 6-0
6-0 defence
(ábhar á chaitheamh ag imreoirí ionas nach ngortófar iad)
(protective material worn by sports players)
Bhí an imirt ar fheabhas.
It was a very good performance.
Chruthaigh O'Driscoll go maith inniu.
O'Driscoll delivered a great performance today.
cuireann x Teachta Dála ar fionraí
x suspends a TD
cuireann x Comhalta Parlaiminte ar fionraí
x suspends a Member of Parliament
Fuair Seán an dara cárta buí agus cuireadh den pháirc é.
Seán got his second yellow card and got sent off.
Má dhéantar feall mar sin, tá lán-chead ag an réiteoir imreoir a dhíbirt den pháirc.
The referee has full permission to send a particular player off for such a foul.
(láthair imeartha)
(area of play)
leath chlé den chúirt
left half of the court
leath dheas den chúirt
right half of the court
brúitear foireann thar a gcúl-líne féin
team is pulled over its goal line
snámh ón gcúl-líne
swim off the goal line
trasnú iomlán na cúl-líne
complete crossing of the goal line
(best performance)
gnóthaigh curiarracht nua
bain curiarracht nua amach
to set a new record
sáraigh curiarracht
bris curiarracht
to break a record
curiarracht a dheimhniú go hoifigiúil
to ratify a record officially
curiarracht a bheith agat
to hold a world record
bain triail as cúl a scóráil
attempt a goal
déan iarracht!
attempt it!
d’fhéach sé le rith isteach
he attempted to run in
rinne siad iarracht ar dhlúthchosaint
they attempted a blanket defence
féadfar a fhoireann a dícháiliú
his team shall be liable to disqualification
dícháiligh foireann
disqualify a team