Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
Number of matches found
or where payments under an affiliation order have ceased to be payable by virtue of this Act
nó i gcás íocaíochtaí faoi ordú atharthachta gan a bheith iníoctha feasta de bhua an Achta seo [Acht Uimh. 11 de 1976]
(ii) the state of knowledge of the Applicant spouse in relation to possession and control of the disputed property or monies at all relevant times;
(ii) staid eolais an chéile is Iarratasóir i ndáil le seilbh agus rialú na maoine nó an airgid a bheidh faoi dhíospóid gach tráth iomchuí; FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
Application under the Act for a barring order shall be by summons in the Form 1 and may be made at any sitting of the Court for the district court district where the applicant spouse resides or where there is situate the place in relation to which the barring order is sought.
Is trí thoghairm i bhFoirm 1 a dhéanfar iarratas faoin Acht ar ordú urchoisc agus féadfar é a dhéanamh ag aon suí den Chúirt don dúiche chúirte dúiche ina bhfuil gnáthchónaí ar an gcéile iarrthach nó ina bhfuil an áit ina leith a iarrtar an t-ordú urchoisc.
to make to the Applicant spouse such appropriate payment.
cibé íocaíocht a dhéanamh leis an gcéile is Iarratasóir [510/2001]
(i) in case the marriage or cohabitation has come to an end, the date on which the marriage or cohabitation has ended
(i) i gcás go mbeidh deireadh leis an bpósadh nó leis an lánúnas, amhail ón dáta ar cuireadh deireadh leis an bpósadh nó leis an lánúnas,
An agreement that meets the other criteria of this section shall be deemed to be a cohabitants’ agreement under this section even if entered into before the cohabitation has commenced.
Maidir le comhaontú a fhreagraíonn do chritéir eile an ailt seo, measfar gur comhaontú comhchónaitheoirí faoin alt seo é fiú amháin má rinneadh é sular thosaigh an comhchónaí [Acht Uimh. 24 de 2010]
(person to whom the charge of a person of unsound mind is committed)
(Duine atá údaraithe gníomhú thar ceann duine mímheabhrach)
A person who is authorized by the court to act on behalf of another who the court has found to be of unsound mind
Duine atá údaraithe ag cúirt gníomhú thar ceann duine eile, ar dhuine mímheabhrach é/í, dar leis an gcúirt
The committee of the person of unsound mind.
Cúramaí an duine mhímheabhraigh. FOINSE: I.R. 1981
A person of unsound mind whether or not so found by inquisition may sue by his committee or next friend, and may defend by the committee or by the guardian ad litem appointed for that purpose in accordance with Order 19 of these Rules, or by the Court.
Féadfaidh duine mímheabhrach, cibé acu a breithníodh ina dhuine mímheabhrach ag ionchoisne é nó nár breithníodh, agra a dhéanamh trína chúramaí nó trína neaschara, agus féadfaidh sé cosaint a dhéanamh tríd an gcúramaí nó tríd an gcaomhnóir ad litem arna cheapadh chuige sin de réir Ordú 19 de na Rialacha seo, nó ag an gCúirt. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
time which the absent parent is entitled to spend with their child following a family break-up
an t-am a cheadaítear don tuismitheoir neamhláithreach caitheamh leis an bpáiste, i ndiaidh do theaghlach briseadh suas
( a ) for a single person or a person who is a widow or widower or a person with a dependant spouse where such person has one or more dependants (other than such spouse) and, with the approval of the health board, a helper is employed to take care of such dependant or dependants.
(a) Do dhuine singil nó do dhuine is baintreach nó baintreach fir nó do dhuine le céile cleithiúnach i gcás go bhfuil cleithiúnaí amháin nó níos mó (seachas an céile sin) ar an duine sin agus go bhfuil, le cead an bhoird sláinte, cuntóir ar fostú chun cúram an chleithiúnaí nó na gcleithiúnaithe sin a ghlacadh
(vi) the marital status of the deceased spouse at the date of death and the marital status of the Applicant at the date of the application and whether the Applicant has remarried since the dissolution of the marriage between the Applicant and the deceased spouse;
(vi) stádas pósta an chéile éagtha ar dháta an bháis agus stádas pósta an Iarratasóra ar dháta an iarratais agus cibé acu a d’athphós an tIarratasóir ó scaoileadh an pósadh idir an tIarratasóir agus an céile éagtha; FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
in the case of an application for a decree of judicial separation
i gcás iarratais ar fhoraithne idirscartha bhreithiúnaigh FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
A child adopted according to the law.
Leanbh a uchtaítear de réir an dlí.
"child" subject to paragraph 2(b) of this Article means a legitimate child or stepchild of the deceased or a person lawfully adopted by the deceased, who is,
ciallaíonn "leanbh", faoi réir mhír 2 (b) den Airteagal seo, leanbh dlisteanach nó leasleanbh de chuid an éagaigh nó duine a bheidh uchtaithe go dleathach ag an éagach ar duine é,FOINSE: I.R. 1980
On the hearing of an application for an attachment of earnings order the Clerk to whom payments under the maintenance order, variation order, interim order, or enforceable maintenance order are payable shall tender as evidence...
Ar iarratas ar ordú astaithe tuillimh a éisteacht, déanfaidh an Cléireach a mbeidh íocaíochtaí le híoc leis nó léi faoin ordú cothabhála, faoin ordú athrúcháin, faoin ordú eatramhach, nó faoin ordú cothabhála infhorghníomhaithe, na doiciméid seo a leanas a thairiscint mar fhianaise... FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997 Leath 1
(i) for a man, single woman or widow, married woman living apart from and unable to obtain any financial assistance from her husband or a married woman entitled to an increase for a qualified child or qualified children or for a husband
(i) fear, bean shingil nó baintreach, bean phósta a chónaíonn ar leithligh óna fear céile agus nach bhféadann aon chúnamh airgid a fháil uaidh nó bean phósta a bhfuil teideal aici chun méadú i leith linbh cháilithe nó leanaí cáilithe nó i leith fear céile FOINSE: I.R. 1981
The Regulations accordingly provide for increases in the existing statutory rates of old age contributory and non-contributory pension, ...
Foráiltear leis na Rialacháin dá réir sin go méadófar na rátaí reachtúla láithreacha maidir le pinsin seanaoise ranníocacha agus neamhranníocacha, ... FOINSE: I.R. 1981
(b) old age (non-contributory) pension,
(b) pinsean seanaoise (neamhranníocach),FOINSE: I.R. 1981
details of any previous matrimonial relief sought and/or obtained and details of any previous separation agreement entered into between the parties (where appropriate a certified copy of any relevant court order and/or deed of separation/separation agreement should be annexed to the Civil Bill):
mionsonraí faoi aon fhaoiseamh pósta roimhe sin a lorgaíodh agus/nó a fuarthas, mar aon le mionsonraí faoi aon chomhaontú idirscartha roimhe sin a rinneadh idir na páirtithe (i gcás inar cuí sin, is ceart cóip dheimhnithe d’aon ordú cúirte iomchuí agus/nó d’aon ghníomhas idirscartha/d’aon chomhaontú idirscartha a chur i gceangal leis an mBille Sibhialta); FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
discuss with the applicant the possibility of effecting a separation by the negotiation and conclusion of a separation deed or written separation agreement
pléifidh sé leis an iarratasóir cibé acu an féidir idirscaradh a chur i gcrích trí ghníomhas idirscartha, nó trí chomhaontú idirscartha i scríbhinn, a chaibidlí agus a thabhairt chun críche (Acht Uimh. 6 de 1989).
Each person within a married couple; a husband or wife
Ceachtar den bheirt i lánúin phósta; fear céile nó bean chéile
1. that the respondent is the spouse of the applicant,
1. gurb é/í an freagróir céile an iarratasóra, FOINSE: I.R. Uimh. 93 de 1997_leath 2
(i) is used by him as a permanent residence for himself and that neither he nor (if he is a married man having his spouse living with him) his spouse has any other place of abode within the State available for his occupation, or
(i) go n-úsáideann sé mar bhuan-ionad cónaithe dó féin agus, (más fear pósta é a bhfuil a chéile ina cónaí leis), nach bhfuil aon áit chónaithe eile aige féin ná ag a chéile taobh istigh den Stát atá ar fáil le háitiú aige, nó FOINSE: I.R. 1980
Subject to the foregoing rules, the rules and practice in relation to persons of unsound minds and wardship for the time being relating to the jurisdiction of the President of the High Court shall, so far as applicable, apply to all proceedings in respect of persons of unsound mind in the Circuit Court.
Faoi réir na rialacha sin roimhe seo, beidh feidhm ag na rialacha agus ag an gcleachtas i ndáil le daoine mímheabhracha agus le coimircíocht a bhainfidh de thuras na huaire le dlínse Uachtarán na hArd-Chúirte, a mhéid is infheidhme, maidir le gach imeacht i leith daoine mímheabhracha sa Chúirt Chuarda. FOINSE: I.R. Uimh 510 de 2001
A percentage on the clear annual income of each minor taken into the wardship of the High Court shall be payable at the same rates as apply to the incomes of wards of court who are of unsound mind, save that no percentage shall be charged on any income not amounting to £150.
Beidh céatadáin ar ghlanioncam bliantúil gach mionaoisigh a ghlacfar faoi choimircíocht na hArd-Chúirte iníoctha de réir na rátaí céanna a bhaineann le hioncam coimircithe cúirte atá mímheabhrach, ach nach muirearófar céatadán ar bith ar aon ioncam nach sroichfidh £150. FOINSE: I.R. 1980