▼ Electricity, Electronics
▼ Leictreachas, Leictreonaic
Production of Electricity
Táirgeadh Leictreachais
Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
Number of matches found
Celtic One Offshore Wind
Tionscadal Gaoithe na Mara Ceiltí a hAon
Celtic Two Offshore Wind
Tionscadal Gaoithe na Mara Ceiltí a Dó
the provision of electric cranes, crane rails, crane plug boxes, mooring appliances, fenders, lighting poles...
soláthar craenacha leictreacha, ráillí craenach, boscaí plocóide craenach, feistis fheistithe, fiondair, cuaillí solais... FOINSE: I.R. 1980