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SFI Strategic Research Clusters (SRCs) will help link scientists and engineers in partnerships across academia and industry to address crucial research questions, foster the development of new and existing Irish-based technology companies, and grow partnerships with industry that could make an important contribution to Ireland and its economy. The SRC programme has been designed to facilitate the clustering of outstanding researchers to carry out joint research activities in areas of strategic importance to Ireland (in ICT and/or BioTech sectors), while also giving the time and resources to attract and cultivate strong industry partnerships that can inform and enhance their research programmes.
The vision of the Digital Enterprise Research Institute is to be recognised as the leading international web science research institute interlinking technologies, information and people to advance business and benefit society.
# an Eagraíocht Eorpach um Thaighde Núicléach · European Organization for Nuclear Research#
Is your proposal likely to require ethical review in accordance with the College’s research ethics protocol?
Ireland has the research demands to justify a large scale, national high-end computing facility. The Irish Centre for High-End Computing aims to fulfil that role, as well as extend both the computational capacity and computational science expertise of Ireland. ICHEC is supported by the participant institutions and provides resources to all researchers based in Irish Universities, Institures of Techology and many other research organisations.