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Liathróid Láimhe
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Modern Pentathlon
Nuachoimhlint Chúig Mhír
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Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
Number of matches found
the Dáil went into Committee
chuaigh an Dáil i gCoiste
the Dáil went out of Committee
chuaigh an Dáil as Coiste
the committee noted that
thug an coiste dá aire
Business » Enterprise & Development Business rival, usually offering similar products or services.
Gnó » Fiontraíocht & Forbairt Coimhlinteoir gnó, a thairgeann earraí nó seirbhísí cosúla de ghnáth.
list of competitors
liosta na n-iomaitheoirí
(group of buildings, for offices, shopping, sports facilities)
(grúpa foirgneamh: oifigí, siopaí, áiseanna spóirt)
(a point, game, etc.)
(pointe, cluiche, etc.)
he was injured and had to concede
bhí sé gortaithe agus b'éigean dó géilleadh
(physical, medical, etc.)
The Referee's call to advise a player that he has committed an offence under Conduct on Court, and that a game is to be awarded to his opponent.
Glaoch ón réiteoir le hinsint d'imreoir go bhfuil feall déanta aige faoi na rialacha maidir le hIompar ar Cúirt, agus go bhfuil an cluiche le tabhairt dá chéile comhraic mar thoradh.
The Referee's call to advise a player that he has committed an offence under Conduct on Court, and that a stroke is to be awarded to his opponent.
Glaoch ón réiteoir le hinsint d'imreoir go bhfuil feall déanta aige faoi na rialacha maidir le hIompar ar Cúirt, agus go bhfuil buille saor le tabhairt dá chéile comhraic mar thoradh.
in light of this guarantee of confidentiality
i bhfianaise ráthaíocht seo na rúndachta
duly observe the need for statistical confidentiality
riachtanas na rúndachta staitistiúla a urramú go cuí