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Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
Number of matches found
(dead ball hinder)
No bombing! (No bombdiving)
Cosc ar phleist-thumadh!
tactical move in which cyclists adopt a particular formation when the wind is blowing strongly from one side
the ball crosses the boundary
gabhann an liathróid thar teorainn
the ball hits the boundary
buaileann an liathróid an teorainn
the ball is carried over the boundary
tugtar an liathróid thar an teorainn
the ball reaches the boundary
sroicheann an liathróid an teorainn
(front end of boat)
(tosach báid)
She is down by the bow.
Tá sí thíos ar a cloigeann.
Tá ceann thíos fúithi.
(front end of boat)
(tosach báid)
She is down by the bow.
Tá sí thíos ar a cloigeann.
Tá ceann thíos fúithi.