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Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
Number of matches found
(on the skin)
(the ball)
block a kick
blocáil cic
Seán had the best chance, but just as he was going for goal, one of the backs blocked his kick.
Bhí an seans ab fhearr ag Seán ach díreach agus é ag tabhairt faoin gcúl, bhlocáil duine de na cosantóirí a chic.
(the ball)
block a kick
blocáil cic
Seán had the best chance, but just as he was going for goal, one of the backs blocked his kick.
Bhí an seans ab fhearr ag Seán ach díreach agus é ag tabhairt faoin gcúl, bhlocáil duine de na cosantóirí a chic.
(the ball)
block a kick
blocáil cic
Seán had the best chance, but just as he was going for goal, one of the backs blocked his kick.
Bhí an seans ab fhearr ag Seán ach díreach agus é ag tabhairt faoin gcúl, bhlocáil duine de na cosantóirí a chic.
the frontal block
an blocáil ar aghaidh
the ground block to the left
an blocáil talún faoi chlé
the ground block to the right
an blocáil talún faoi dheis
the frontal block
an blocáil ar aghaidh
the ground block to the left
an blocáil talún faoi chlé
the ground block to the right
an blocáil talún faoi dheis
the frontal block
an blocáil ar aghaidh
the ground block to the left
an blocáil talún faoi chlé
the ground block to the right
an blocáil talún faoi dheis
one-man block
blocáil aonair
two-man block; double block;
blocáil bheirte
three-man block; triple block;
blocáil triúir
Any shot that hits a sidewall or backwall before hitting the front wall. Most boasts are the sidewall boasts. There are basically two types of sidewall boasts, the attacking boast and the defensive boast.
Buille ar bith a bhuaileann an taobh-bhalla nó an cúlbhalla sula mbuaileann sé an balla tosaigh. Is buillí taobh-bhalla iad an chuid is mó díobh agus bíonn dhá chineál ann, ceann ionsaitheach agus ceann cosantach.