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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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GAtréan-troitheán fir1
gu tréan-troitheáin, ai tréan-troitheáin, gi tréan-troitheán
scoltroitheán fir1
gu scoltroitheáin, ai scoltroitheáin, gi scoltroitheán
GAtrédhord fir1
gu trédhoird, ai trédhoird, gi trédhord
nodaireacht doird, a scríobhtar leis féin, le huimhreacha, siombailí agus seachtráin do na cordaí agus na nótaí neamhchorda atá le seinm ag uirlisí cordúla tionlacain (CT)
musical notation for the bass part, written separately, using numbers, symbols and accidentals to indicate chords and non-chord notes to be played by chordal accompanying instruments (CT)
GAtrírín fir4
gu trírín, iol tríríní
tríphléadach fir1 dímholta/superseded
gu tríphléadaigh, ai tríphléadaigh, gi tríphléadach
grúpa de thrí nóta a sheinntear
group of three notes to be played in the time of two of the same time-value
GAtroigh bain2
gu troighe, le bunuimhreacha áirithe troithe, iol troithe
ENfoot s
(measure of distance)
sé troithe
six feet
deich dtroithe
ten feet
1. trumpa corntha; 2. gaothuirlis dhíreach an-fhada ó Mheicsiceo
1. coiled trumpet, also known as hunter's trumpet; 2. very long Mexican wind instrument
GAuathcheol fir1
gu uathcheoil
ceol uirlise atá ceaptha a bheith neamhléiritheach, agus gan aon rud a chur in iúl seachas a fhoirm agus a struchtúr féin; malairt cheoil tuairisciúil (CT)
instrumental music not intended to be illustrative nor to express anything apart from its own form and structure; the opposite of programme music (CT)
GAuathfhuaimniú fir
gu uathfhuaimnithe
nóta a sheinneann arís is arís eile ar an orgán gan aon rud á dhéanamh ag an orgánaí (CT)
a note on the organ which plays repeatedly, without any action by the organist (CT)
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