▼ Leabharlannaíocht
▼ Librarianship
Eolaíocht Leabharlainne agus Faisnéise
Library and Information Science
Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
Number of matches found
modh tarchurtha taifid (e.g. le facs)
the method of transmission of a record (e.g. by fax)
teacht ar X
X a rochtain
rochtain ar X
to access X
is féidir teacht ar fhaisnéis agus ar thacaíocht ar ár láithreán gréasáin úr
you can now access information and support through the pages of our new web site
taifid nó ábhair chartlainne de thionscnamh neamhrialtasach
records or archives of non-governmental provenance
ábhair, ar ábhair chlóite iad de ghnáth, agus iad cruthaithe le haghaidh cuspóir teoranta ar leith.
materials, usually printed documents, created for a specific, limited purpose.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht An t-am a ghlacann córas chun freagairt d'ionchur úsáideora i ngníomhaíocht ar líne.
Computers, Computer Science The time taken for the system to respond to a User input in an online activity.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht I ndearadh nó i ríomhchlárú bunaithe ar oibiachtaí, grúpa oibiachtaí agus modhanna a bhfuil sainmhíniú coiteann orthu, agus mar sin a bhfuil airíonna coiteanna, oibríochtaí coiteanna agus iompraíocht choiteann acu. Tugtar áisc den aicme ar bhaill den ghrúpa.
Computers, Computer Science In object-oriented design or programming, a group of objects and methods that share a common definition and that therefore share common properties, operations or methods and behaviour. Members of the group are called instances of the class.
sainaithint chórasach agus eagrú córasach gníomhaíochtaí gnó agus/nó taifead ina gcatagóirí de réir gnáis, modhanna agus rialacha nós imeachta atá struchtúrtha go loighiciúil i gcóras aicmiúcháin chun cabhrú le húsáid ghnó, le rochtain leantach agus le coimeád cuí agus diúscairt chuí
systematic identification and arrangement of business activities and/or records into categories according to logically structured conventions, methods and procedural rules represented in a classification system to aid business use, continued access and appropriate retention and disposal
tuairisc ar thaifid lena ndéantar rialú fisiciúil agus rialú intleachtúil ar na taifid a thabhairt don taisclann agus lena gcabhraítear d’úsáideoirí rochtain agus tuiscint a fháil ar na taifid
a description of records that gives the repository physical and intellectual control over the records and that assists users to gain access to and understand the records
athrú coimeádta, úinéireachta agus/nó freagrachta i leith taifid
change of custody, ownership and/or responsibility for records
carachtar sainiúil taifid atá inaitheanta trí na saintréithe uathúla a bhaineann leis agus a idirdhealaíonn é ó thaifid eile
the distinct character of a record, identifiable through the attributes that uniquely characterise it and distinguish it from other records
meiteashonraí a ghabhann le comhad chun a aitheantas a shuíomh
metadata attached to a file that establishes its identity
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Ríomhchlár a scríobhadh do chóras ar leith a rith go cruinn beacht ar chóras éagsúil, ionas go bhfaightear na torthaí céanna uaidh nuair a ionchuirtear na sonraí céanna ann.
Computers, Computer Science The exact execution on a given system of a program written for a different system, producing identical results when identical data are input.
examination of the frequency and pattern of citations in articles and books, using citations in scholarly works to establish links to other works or researchers
doiciméad nó sraith doiciméad in aon fhoirm fisiciúil a ndéileáiltear léi mar eintiteas agus, sa cháil sin, arb ionann é agus bonn le tuairisc aonair e.g. cnuasach aon fhoinse, grúpa ábhar cartlainne, bailiúchán, foghrúpa, sraith, ítim
a document or set of documents in any physical form, treated as an entity, and, as such, forming the basis for a single description, e.g. fonds, record group, archive group, collection, subgroup, series, item
(in a book, film)
taifid a bhogadh ó chóras amháin go córas eile agus, ag an am céanna, a mbarántúlacht, a n-iomláine, a n-iontaofacht agus a n-inúsáidteacht a choimeád ar bun. Is é atá i gceist le haistriú ná sraith tascanna eagraithe atá ceaptha chun ábhar digiteach a aistriú ó thráth go chéile ó chumraíocht chrua-earraí amháin go ceann eile, nó ó ghlúin áirithe teicneolaíochta go ceann eile
the act of moving records from one system to another, while maintaining their authenticity, integrity, reliability and usability. Migration involves a set of organised tasks designed to periodically transfer digital material from one hardware or software configuration to another, or from one generation of technology to another
an próiseas trína thiontaítear nó trína uasghrádaítear nithe nó córais dhigiteacha chuig glúin teicneolaíochta ríomhaireachta níos nuaí crua-earraí agus/nó bogearraí
the process of converting or upgrading digital objects or systems to a newer generation of hardware and/or software computer technology
an próiseas a bhaineann le cumas rochtana a chailliúint
the process of losing the capacity to be accessed
an próiseas trína n-aithnítear ábhair nach fiú iad a bhuanchoimeád a thuilleadh agus a bhféadfaí dí-fhorshealbhú a dhéanamh orthu
the process of identifying materials that no longer merit preservation and that are candidates for deaccessioning
an próiseas trína gcóipeáiltear inneachar digiteach ó mhéan digiteach amháin go ceann eile (áirítear leis sin cóipeáil chuig an gcineál céanna meáin)
the process of copying the digital content from one digital medium to another (includes copying to the same kind of medium)
Grúpa saorga doiciméad atá carntha le chéile
ar bhonn saintréith chomhchoiteann éigin
beag beann ar fhoinse na ndoiciméad sin. Ní
ceart an téarma seo a mheascadh le cnuasach
cartlainne aon fhoinse.
An artificial assemblage of documents
accumulated on the basis of some common
characteristic without regard to the
provenance of those documents. Not to be
confused with an archival fonds.
duine ar a bhfuil freagracht i ndáil le riaradh clár a bhaineann le láimhseáil, cosaint agus diúscairt éifeachtúil tíosach taifead ar fud a saolré
an individual responsible for the administration of programmes for the efficient and economical handling, protecting and disposing of records throughout their life cycle