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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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profit made by a government by issuing currency, especially the difference between the face value of coins and their production costs
proposed voluntary framework, based on the association with the EU sustainability taxonomy, of core components for EU Green Bonds to enhance the effectiveness, transparency, accountability, comparability and credibility of the green bond market, and to increase the flow of finance to green and sustainable projects
GAcáin bain5 shiarchoinneálach
gu cánach siarchoinneálaí, ai cánacha siarchoinneálacha
Airgeadas Cáin a ghearrann óst-tír ar chistí a sheoltar ó fhochuideachta go máthairchuideachta.
Finance Tax imposed by a host country on funds that are remitted from the subsidiary to the parent.
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