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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
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totalled list of all the bills that haven’t been yet paid, less any bill credit notes that haven’t yet been refunded for
A person employed to write from dictation or to copy manuscript.
Duine a scríobhann ó dheachtú nó a chóipeálann lámhscríbhinní.
GAcomhardú fir na trádála
gu chomhardú na trádála
Finance difference between the value of merchandize exports and merchandize imports
Airgeadas an difríocht idir luach iomportálacha marsantachta agus easpórtálacha marsantachta
ENboard s
(meals provided)
GAcothú fir
gu cothaithe
(béilí a chur ar fáil)
Where board, lodging or board and lodging is part of remuneration, the employee may, subject to being given double pay, elect not to take annual leave.
Nuair is cuid de luach saothair cothú, iostas nó cothú agus iostas. féadfaidh an fostaí a roghnú, faoi réir pá dúbailte a thabhairt dó, gan saoire bhliantúil a thógáil.
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